Preventative Dentistry Services

Preventative Dentistry Services

Prophylactic Cleaning

A preventative treatment that consists of scaling with hand instruments and ultrasonic tools to remove soft and hard deposits on the teeth. After scaling is completed, your hygienist will polish the teeth leaving them looking whiter and feeling smoother. This cleaning will help prevent inflammation in your body and keep the foundation of your teeth strong and healthy.

prophylactic cleaning, mahoning county dentist
prophylactic cleaning, mahoning county dentist

Prophylactic Cleaning

Clear Braces

A preventative treatment that consists of scaling with hand instruments and ultrasonic tools to remove soft and hard deposits on the teeth. After scaling is completed, your hygienist will polish the teeth leaving them looking whiter and feeling smoother. This cleaning will help prevent inflammation in your body and keep the foundation of your teeth strong and healthy. 

orlosky dental


Fluoride Treatment

Our fluoride varnish treatment benefits all patients, from children to adults. Fluoride is used to strengthen enamel and prevent decay. Fluoride can be especially beneficial for people with tooth sensitivity,  gum recession, or a lot of previous dental work.

fluoride treatment
fluoride treatment

Fluoride Treatment


Our fluoride varnish treatment benefits all patients, from children to adults. Fluoride is used to strengthen enamel and prevent decay. Fluoride can be especially beneficial for people with tooth sensitivity,  gum recession, or a lot of previous dental work.

Teeth Whitening

Diagnostic Imaging

We use digital radiology for high quality X- rays that help us with accurate diagnosis. We can also use our intra-oral camera to keep our patients aware of the condition of their mouth and progress of their treatment.

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dentist near me

Diagnostic Imaging

Crowns and Veneers

We use digital radiology for high quality X- rays that help us with accurate diagnosis. We can also use our intra-oral camera to keep our patients aware of the condition of their mouth and progress of their treatment.

orlosky dental


Dental Sealants

Molar teeth have deep grooves that can get food and bacteria trapped. This can cause cavities on the biting surfaces of the tooth. Dental sealants use a flowable white material to fill these grooves and prevent permanent damage to the tooth structure. 

dental sealant
dental sealant

Dental Sealants


Molar teeth have deep grooves that can get food and bacteria trapped. This can cause cavities on the biting surfaces of the tooth. Dental sealants use a flowable white material to fill these grooves and prevent permanent damage to the tooth structure.

implants, implant dentistry


night guard, sports guard

Night/Sports Guards


Mouth guards consist of both night guards and sports guards. Night guards protect the teeth against clenching and grinding. Sports guards protect against accidental sports trauma.

implants, implant dentistry


periodontal, mouth cancer screenings, oral cancer screening

Periodontal & Cancer Screenings


Our hygienist will preform a periodontal screening to check for gum disease. Gum disease is the number one way adults lose their teeth. This is a bacterial infection that not only causes tooth loss, but can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and auto-immune disease. We can also perform cancer screenings that check all the hard and soft tissues in the head and neck area. 

implants, implant dentistry


Night Guards and Sports Guards

Mouth guards consist of both night guards and sports guards. Night guards protect the teeth against clenching and grinding. Sports guards protect against accidental sports trauma.

night guard, sports guard

Periodontal & Cancer Screenings

Our hygienist will preform a periodontal screening to check for gum disease. Gum disease is the number one way adults lose their teeth. This is a bacterial infection that not only causes tooth loss, but can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and auto-immune disease. We can also perform cancer screenings that check all the hard and soft tissues in the head and neck area. 

periodontal, mouth cancer screenings, oral cancer screening